Reynold H Weidenaar


This is a finely detailed mezzotint by American artist  Reynold Weidenaar.,  This image is titled: Demolition in the Plaza Del Toro, it was created and printed in 1950 and sold by Associated American Artists in New York.  The pencil signed impression measures 12 7/8X9 inches.  Also pencil titled in the lower left border.  A very rich impression, printed on a wove type sheet.


This is a fine original mezzotint by American artist Reynold Weidenaar.  The subject is: "Bridge Builders, Mackinac Straits", created and printed in  1956, published by the Society of American Etchers in an edition of 243.  This mezzotint is hand signed and titled in pencil.  The image measures 12 11/16X6 7/8 inches.  One of his most important works.
