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Eugene Abot
Tancrède Abraham
Albert Abramovitz
Rosalind Abramson
Maurice Achener
C. H. Adams
Clifford Addams
George Adomeit
Andrew Affleck
Leonardo Agostini
G. Aikman
Grace Albee
Margaretha Albers
Jerry Albright
Gertrude Partington Albright
Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
Malvin Marr Albright
Adolf Jelinek Alex
Jacques Aliamet
Marion Allen
James Edmund Allen
Helen Allingham
Edmond Francois Aman-Jean
19th Century American School
20th Century American School
Jost Amman
Frank Anderson
Stanley Anderson
Raul Anguiano
Adolphe Appian
Arnold Arbeith
Joseph W. Arcier
Petrus-Johannes Arendzen
Caroline Armington
John Taylor Arms
Grant Arnold
Grant Arnold
Mathias Arteaga
Paul Ashbrook
John Atherton
Alice Atkinson
Benoit Audran
Gerard Audran
William Auerbach-Levy
Alphone Aufray de Roc 'Bhian
Winifred M. Austen
Robert Sargent Austin
Mario Avati
Pierre Aveline
Pierre Alexandre Aveline
Ralph Hillyer Avery
Jean Jacques Avril
Otto Bacher
Dirk Backsteen
Peggy Bacon
Stanley R. Badmin
Martin Baer
William E. Baillie
Johnstone Baird
Bairei Kono
Oliver Baker
Samuel Baker
John T. Bald
Wilfrid Ball
A. Ballin
Edward J. Balthazar
Alfred Banner
H. E. Barbepsch
Albert W. Barker
Alfred Barnes
Marcel Julien Baron
Bernardus Baron
Dominique Barriere
Francesco Bartolozzi
Richard Baseleer
Charles Henry Baskett
Leonard Baskin
Jules Bastian-Lepage
Alfred Walter Bayes
Nicolas Bazin
Reynolds Beal
W. Goodrich Beal
William Goodrich Beal
Gifford Beal
Adolphe M.T. Beaufrere
Armand Beauvais
Jacques Firmin Beauvarlet
Charles Joseph Beauverie
Victor Becker
Fred Becker
William Ward Beecher
Carl Hugo Beetz
Cornelis Pietersz Bega
Eugene Bejot
George C. Bell
Cecil Crosley Bell
Clement Bellenger
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Jacques Beltrand
Ture Bengtz
Rainey Bennett
Robert L. Benney
Frank Benson
James Bentley
Alfred Bentley
Fabio Berardi
Nicolaes Berchem
Theresa Ferber Bernstein
Albert Besnard
Hoyland Bettinger
Jacques Beurdeley
Pierre Marie Beyle
Vincenzo Bianchini
William Bicknell
Albion H. Bicknell
George Biddle
Pierre Billet
Alois Binder
Georg Birnbacher
Richard E. Bishop
Isabel Bishop
Edmund Blampied
Arnold Blanch
Lucile Blanch
Antoine Blanchard
Rudolph Bleyer
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Julius Bloch
Frederik Bloemaert
Richard Blome
Abraham Blooteling
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Alex A. Blum
Karl Bodmer
Fritz Boehle
Edward Boerner
Walter Edward Bohl
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Georges Lucien Boichard
Henri Boisgontier
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Schelte Adamsz Bolswert
Robert A. Bolton
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David Muirhead Bone
Robert Bonfils
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Jack Bookbinder
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Etienne Gabriel Boucourt
J. E. Bougain
J. Bouilliard
Auguste Boulard II
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Herbert K. Bourne
Paul A. Bouroux
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W. B. Bouttell
Edward Bouverie-Hoyton
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Ralph Boyer
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George A. Bradshaw
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James Alphege Brewer
Frederick Arthur Bridgeman
Francois Eugene Augustin Bridoux
Gottlob Briem
Daniel Putnam Brinley
Franklin Dullin Briscoe
Arthur J.T. Briscoe
19th Century British School
20th Century British School
Gerald Leslie Brockhurst
Ann Brockman
Alexander Brook
Henry Brooke
Auguste Brouet
George Loring Brown
John Appleton Brown
Bolton Brown
Roy Brown
Harrison Bird Brown
Howard Brown
John L Brown
Syd Browne
George Elmer Browne
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William Brueske
Alfred Louis Brunet-Debaines
Bruno Bruni
Jules de Bruycker
Samuel and Nathaniel Buck
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J.M. Bull
Horace Bundy
Horace Robbins Burdick
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E. Burnand
Dan Burne-Jones
George Elbert Burr
Frederick Vango Burridge
Harrison Cady
Charles W. Cain
James Calahan
John Califano
Jacques Callot
David Y. Cameron
Harold Morgan Camp
Kathleen Marie Cantin
Piene Carbouche
Adolphe Caron
Agostino Carrachi
Eugene Carriere
John Carroll
William de la Montagne Cary
Jean Carzou
A. Casanova
Frank Cassara
Mary Stevenson Cassatt
Pilar Castaneda
Federico Castellon
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione
Fernando Castro-Pacheco
Lottie Meyer Catok
Giovanni Battista de Cavalieri
Celestino Celestini
Janet Cerella
Edgar Chahine
Samuel Chamberlain
Benjamin Champney
Charles Champollion
Eugene A. Champollion
James Chapin
Carlton T Chapman
Harry Henry Chase
William Meritt Chase
Richard Samuel Chattock
Charles Chauvel
T. Chauvel
Asa Cheffetz
Philip Cheney
Edward Cheny
Jacques Chereau
Edward J. Cherry
Toyohara Chikanobu
Hirose Chikuseki
Frederick S Church
Nicolai Cikovsky
Minna Citron
Howard Claney
Arderne Clarence
Roland Clark
William Clem
Gabrielle de Vaux Clements
Charles-Louis Clérisseau
Winfield Scott Clime
Albert Edward Cloutier
Otto Coester
Brian Cohen
Max Arthur Cohn
Timothy Cole
Thomas Cole
James Foxcroft Cole
Samuel Coleman
L. J. Raphael Collin
Clara Colline
Francis Adams Comstock
Prathle B. Condez
Susan Cone
George Constant
George Costant
Lily Schierenberg Converse
Howard Cook
Thomas Cook
J. S. Cooper
Thomas Sidney Cooper
Leslie Cope
Charles-Andre Coppler
Fanny Corbaux
Mathilde de Cordoba
Lovis Corinth
Armand Corot
Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
Antonio Allegri da Correggio
Charles Corwin
John Edward Costigan
Helen D. Cote
John W. Cotton
Othon Coubine
Jack Coughlin
Gustave Courtois
Charles L. Courtry
Doris E. Cox
David Cox Sr.
Reginald Cleveland Coxe
Alan Crane
Arthur Croft
Rose Crosman
George Cruikshank
Stephen Csoka
Hans Dahl
Charles Dahlgreen
Ben Damman
Leon Danchin
Lewis Daniel
Harry Daniels
Pierre Daret
Charles F. Daubigny
Jean Daulle
Honore Daumier
Emile Daumont
Lucien Dautrey
Hermine David
Arthur Bowen Davies
Wayne lambert Davis
Warren Davis
William R. Davis
J. Watson Davis
Gladys Rockmore Davis
Dexter Dawes
Alfred Dawson
Nicholas Dauphin de Beauvais
Giovanni Martino de Boni
Cornelis de Cort
Jacques de Gheyn II, The Elder
Maurits Frederik H. De Haas
Pieter de Hooch
Pieter de Jode I
Nicolas de Larmessin
A De Lasalle
Ricardo de Los Rios
Bernard Boutet de Monvel
Nicolas de Poilly
Francois de Poilly the Elder
Victor de Wilde
Jules DeBruycker
Albert Decaris
Eugene Decisy
Edgar Degas
Karl Dehmann
Adolf Dehn
Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delatre
Nicolas Delaunay
Alfred-Alexandre Delauney
Stefano Della Bella
Greta Delleany
H. C. Delpy
John Stockton deMartelly
Morgan Dennis
John Depol
Francois-Nicolas-Barthelemy Dequevauviller
Marcellin Desboutin
Leopold Desbrosses
Marvin Deshler
Louis Augustin Boucher Desnoyers
Louis Desplaces
Jean Baptiste Edouard Detaille
Henry Wilfrid Deville
Martin DeVos
Narcisse Virgile Diaz De La Pena
William Dickinson
Dickinson Bros.
Frederick Dielman
CWE Dietrich
Christian Dietricy
Morton Dimondstein
Frederick Arnold Dirnfeld
Francis Stillwell Dixon
Jaroslav Dobrovolsky
Sir Francis Dodd
Amos Emerson Dolbear
Zacharias Dolendo
Leon Louis Dolice
Falla Steele Doolittle
Nicholas Dorigny
Francis Dosamantes
Pierre Imbert Drevet
Claude Drevet
Werner Drewes
Guillaume Dubufe
Gaspard Duchange
Claude Duflos
M. Dujardin
Robert Dumont-Duparc
Ruth Duncan
Andre Dunoyer de Segonzac
L H Dupont
Pieter Dupont
Amand Durand
Caroline Durieux
18th Century Dutch School
19th Century Dutch School
17th Century Dutch School
20th Century Dutch School
Charles Harry Eaton
Kurt Meyer Eberhardt
Masao Ebina
Harold Kerr Eby
Frank C. Eckmair
Gerard Edelinck
Nicolas Edelinck
Gaspar Edelinck
Harold E. Edgerton
Edwin Edwards
Benjamin Osro Eggleston
John Whetten Ehninger
Fritz Eichenberg
Hosada Eishi
James Elliott
K. Ely
Hopper Emory
Godefroy Engelmann
John Joseph Enneking
Robert E Erickson
Edward Frederick Ertz
Churchill Ettinger
20th Century European School
17th Century European School
19th Century European School
E. W. Evans
John Evans
Mary Watternick Evans
Walter Hunt Everett
James R. G. Exley
Hermann Faber
John Faber
Ralph Fabri
J. Fagan
John Mackie Falconer
Charles Buckles Falls
Ignace-Henri Fantin-Latour
Fred Farrell
R. Farren
Henry Farrer
Clark Fay
Amedee Feau
Alfred Feinberg
Frank Fellner
John Fenton
John William Fenton
Serge Ferat
Edward Ferguson
W. B. Fergusson
Agnes B. Fernbach
Stephen J. Ferris
Jean Leon Gerome Ferris
Dewitt Harvey Fessenden
Paul Fevre
Francois N A Feyen-Perrin
Etienne Ficquet
Ernest Fiene
Hans Figura
Keith Finn
Hedley Fitton
Leopold Flameng
Sir William Russell Flint
Joseph Floch
Richard Florsheim
Henry Foley
Camille Fonce
Jean Louis Forain
Henry C. Ford
Helene Formstecher
Francois Forster
Karl E. Fortess
Jean Baptiste Fosseyeux
Miles Birket Foster
Leonard Tsuguharu Foujita
Mona France
R. Frank
Sepp Frank
Don Freeman
Fredrick W. Freer
Jean Frélaut
20th Century French School
19th Century French School
18th Century French School
Isaac Friedlander
George Fritz
Brenda Fuchs
Ueda Fujo
Harvey Fuller
Albert Henry Fullwood
John Fullwood
Sachiko Furui
Ethel Gabain
H. Jacob Gabler
Sears Gallagher
Cornelius Galle
Miguel Gamborino
Emil Ganso
Morton Garchik
Allan Gardina
Georges Garen
Edmund H. Garrett
Percival Gaskell
Sommer Gattiker
Ignatz Marcel Gaugengigl
Eugene Gaujean
Lucien Gauthier
May Gearhart
Gerald Geerlings
Julius Geertz
Walter Geikie
Paul Geissler
Ogata Gekko
William Overend Geller
Todros Geller
Jean Gerard
Thedore Gerard
Thedore Gerard
20th Century German School
Alphonse Adolphe Gery-Bichard
Giovanni Giani
Maria Ada Gianni
Wilhelm Giese
Robert Swain Gifford
Ruth Gikow
Achille Isidore Gilbert
Eric Gill
Alberto Maso Gilli
Leon Gilmour
Paul Girardet
Andre Giroux
W. Glackens
Charles K Gleeson
Henryk (Enrico) Glicenstein
Hendrik Glintenkamp
Georges Gobo
Jean Godefroy
Karl Godwin
Edouard Joseph Goerg
Edouard Goerg
Otto Goetze
Ferdinand_Karl Gold
Albert Goldman
Jacob Gole
Stephen Gooden
Ronnie Goodman
Morris Gordon
Douglas Warner Gorsline
Arnold Marc Gorter
Maxim B. Gottlieb
Francisco Goya
Peter Grahame
Lucien Grandgerard
Clement Rollins Grant
Gordon Grant
James Grashow
Percy Grassby
Jean Baptiste Grateloup
Hubert-François Gravelot
Charles Gravesande
Eliza Pratt Greatorex
Roland Green
Valentine Green
Bernard I. Green
John W. Gregory
F. Gremillet
Gustave-Marie Greux
Bill Griffith
Marie Osthaus Griffith
Frederick L. Griggs
Charles Grignion
Paul A. Grimm
Mary elizabeth Groom
David Grose
Anthony Gross
Chaim Gross
Elias M. Grossman
Jules Alexandre Grun
Goran Grunewald
Charles Paul Gruppe
Henri Guibal
Alexandre-Gaston Guignard
Honore (Cooke) Guilbeau
Bernhard Gutmann
Marianne Gutscher
Carl G. Guttenberg
Sir Francis Seymour Haden
Shirley Thomson Hadley
Kent Hagerman
Philip Hagreen
Harold Hahn
Axel H. Haig
Fred Hall
Oliver Hall
Willy Hallstein
Emanual Halpern
Frederick Halpern
Franz Hals
Edgar Reynolds Hambly
Edgar Reynolds Hambly
R J Hamerton
Philip Gilbert Hamerton
Hamilton Hamilton
Victor Hand
Thomas Handforth
Richard C. Harden
Martin Hardie
Frank Harding
Heywood Hardy
John Knowles Hare
Edgar Hargreaves
William St. John Harper
C. Gordon Harris
John Harris (the Younger)
Abraham Harriton
William M. Hart
Ernest Hart
George O. Pop Hart
James MacDougle Hart
Rosella Hartman
Archibald Standish Hartrick
Karl Hartung
Suzuki Harunobu
Herbert Johnson Harvey
Sadonabu Hasegawa III
Ernest Haskell
James D. Havens
Paul B. Haviland
George Arthur Hays
Charles Edward Heaney
Marion Hebert
Louis Hechenbleikner
W. Hecht
Albert Heckman
Charles Emile Heil
Carl W. Heilborn
John P. Heins
Arthur Heintzelman
M.S. Helfienger
Helen West Heller
Paul Cesar Helleu
J. Henner
Robert Henri
Werner Henze
Robert Herdman-Smith
Harry Hering
Hubert Von Herkomer
Ernest Marie Herscher
John Postle Heseltine
Friedrich (Fritz) Heubner
Edward S. Hewitt
John Hewitt
Charles Heyman
William Herron Hezlep
Eugene Higgins
Howard Hildebrandt
David Octavius Hill
John W, Hill
John Henry Hill
Felix Hillenberg
Utagawa Hiroshige
Joseph Hirsch
Stefan Hirsch
Ichimei hitsu
Morris Henry Hobbs
Nishimura Hodo
Arthur Hoeber
Irwin D. Hoffman
Gustave A. Hoffman
William Hogarth
Katsushika Hokusai
Wenceslaus Hollar
Felix Hollenberg
Kenneth Holmes
Harriet Morton Holmes
Charles Holroyd
Albany E. Holworth
Johann Rudolf Holzhalb
Winslow Homer
Kazuhisa Honda
James Clarke Hook
CB Hopfer
Lester George Hornby
Nicholas Hornyansky
Earl Horter
Jonathan Hotz
Jacobus Houbraken
Thomas Hovenden
Albany E. Howarth
William Henry Howe
Charles Huard
Julius Hubler
Ludwig Von Huffman
Albert Huie
David W. Humphrey
William Morris Hunt
Leigh H. Hunt
F. Leo Hunter
Colin Hunter
Victoria Huntley
Alfred Hutty
Moses X. Hyman
H.N. Hyneman
Louise Ibels
Louis Icart
Louis Icart
Jean Claude Imbert
Albert Babb Insley
Shigehiko Ishikawa
Joseph Israels
Italian School, Old Master
Mabel Wellington Jack
Hazel Jackson
Martin Jackson
William Jacobs
G. P. Jacomb-Hood
Paul Jacoulet
Jules Jacquemart
Charles Jacques
Bertha Jacques
Judith Jaidinger
Nenad Jakesevic
Clifford R. James
Fritz Janowski
20th Century Japanese School
Japanese School
19th Century Japanese School
Bertha E. Jaques
Claude Donat Jardinier
Feliks S. Jasinski
Paul-Leon Jazet
Freederic Jeanin
Paul Jeffery
F. Jegou
Augustus John
Thomas Johnson
C. Johnson
Marshall Johnson
Lucien Jonas
Haydon Jones
Prescott Jones
Johan Barthold Jongkind
Aksel Jorgensen
Mervin Jules
Franz Kaiser
Hiroshi Kambara
Hiroshi Kambara
Philip Kappel
Mabel Fairfax Smith Karl
Gloria Stoll Karn
Andrew Karoly
Luigi Kasimir
Edwin Kaufman
William Jurian Kaula
Hasui Kawase
Paul Kayser
Henry G. Keller
Edward W. Kemble
Henry W. Kemper
Thomas R. Kent
Hugh Michael Kepets
Sarah Louisa Kilpack
C. F. Kimball
Paul King
George W. King
Elizabeth King
Edward King
J. S. King
Elbridge Kingsley
Troy Kinney
Robert Kipniss
Marguerite Kirmse
Torii Kiyonaga
Sebastian Ignatius Klauber
Hans Kleiber
Hans Klemke
Frank Earl Klepper
Clara E. Klinghoffer
Georgina Klitgaard
George Knight
Dame Laura Knight
William Knox
Paul R. Koehler
Tsukioka Kogyo
Kathe Kollwitz
Julius Komjati
Benjamin Kopman
Chaim Koppleman
Werner Jacob Korsmeier
Ferdinand Kozow
Charles-Louis Kratke
Beth Krommes
Louis Kronberg
Alexander Kruse
Max Kuehne
Otto Kuhler
Walt Kuhn
Ini Kumo
Toyohara Kunichika
Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Lawrence Kupferman
Roger de La Broye
Jean Emile Laboureur
Julien Lacare
Paul Laessle
Robert Laframboise
Frederic- August Laguillermie
Maxime Lalanne
Adolphe Lalauze
Leon Lambert
Emile Lambinet
August Lancon
Jacob Landau
Percy Landcaster
Armin Landeck
Benjamin Lander
Edward Landon
Edward Landon
Giovanni Lanfranco
Anton Lang
Rowland Langmaid
Julius Lankes
Walter Franklin Lansil
Fred T. Larson
Paul Laessle
Gaston de Latenay
William L. Lathrop
Joseph Lauber
Ernest Laurent
Barthelemy Lauvergne
Hank Laventhol
David Law
Thomas B. Lawson
Pierre Adrien Le Beau
Lionel Le Couteux
Henri Le Riche
Benjamin Williams Leader
Ruth Leaf
Edward Lear
Arthur Garfield Learned
H. Leask
Bertha Lebert
Rosalie LeBrun
Paul Emile Lecomte
Doris Lee
William Lee Hankey
Valentine Lefebre
Valentin Lefebvre
Henri Lefort
Joseph Fernand Henri Leger
Louis Auguste Mathieu Legrand
Edy Legrand
Alphonse Legros
Gustave Leheutre
Wilhelm Maria Hubertus Leibl
Chester Leich
Howard Leigh
Robert Lenard
Bernard Lens III
Edouard Henri Leon
Grace Leonard
Ottavio Leoni
August-Louis Lepere
Ludovic Lepic
Paul Le Rat
Francois Xavier Lesueur
Frederic Louis Leve
Julian Levi
Julian Levi
Morton D. Levin
Jack Levine
Martin Levine
Herschel Levit
Lionel K. Levy
Clifford Lewis
Arthur Allen Lewis
Martin Lewis
George Robert Lewis
Otto, R.S.A. Leyde
Max Liebermann
Ella Fillmore Lillie
Russell T. Limbach
Lionel Lindsay
William H Lippincott
Sidney Litten
Edward E. Little
Philip Little
Maud Llewellen Wethered
Alméry Lobel-Riche
Walter Locke
Charles Wheeler Locke
Robert Fulton Logan
Hubert Logan
Pierre Lombard
Pierre Lombart
G. Vertue Lond
Francesco Londonio
Nat Long
Elyse Ashe Lord
Constant Louis Lorichon
Claude Lorrain
Rene Lorrain
Milton H. Lowell
Louis Lozowick
Winifred Milius Lubell
Luigi Lucioni
Amador Lugo
Harry Lumby
Ernest Stephen Lumsden
Huc Mazelet Luquiens
Abel Lurat
H Luthermann
Gwen Lux
Mariette Lydis
Joseph Lyman
Wilbur Lyons
Robert Macbeth
Henry Macbeth-Raeburn
Walter MacEwen
Donald A. Mackay
Donald Shaw MacLaughlin
William MacLean
William Douglas Macleod
Eugene Remy Maes
Gaston Manchon
George H. Manesse
Edouard Manet
W. Manfield
Thomas R. Manley
Peter Marcus
Samuel L. Margolies
Joseph Margulies
John Marin
C. Marino
Kyra Markham
George Marples
F. Marriot
Robert Marsh
Reginald Marsh
Adolphe P. Martial
Robert Joseph Martin
Stefan Martin
Robert Martin
Achille Louis Martinet
P.A. Masse
Antoine Masson
James E. Masters
Alessandro Mastro-Valerio
Francisco Mateo Gonzalez
Armand Mathey
John G. Mathieson
Karl Mattern
William F. Matthews
Marie-Alexandrine Matthieu
Fabio Mauroner
Anton Mauve
E. J. Mayberry
Henrik Mayer
Peter Mazell
Michael Burton Mazur
Ila McAfee
James McArdell
James J. McAuliffe
James McBey
John Ward McClellan
David McCosh
Dorothy Layng McEntee
John McGrath
William Charles McNulty
John McRae
Afton McWilliams
Roderick F. Mead
John Meigs
Leo Meissner
Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier
Francis Melville
Mortimer L. Menpes
Jozsef Menyhart
G. Mercer
G. Mercier
Anna Lea Merritt
Charles Meryon
Evelynne Mess
Ivan Messenger
Ben Messick
Eugene-Paul Metour
Herbert Meyer
William Meyerowitz
Sam Middinan
Charles Mielatz
Simon Charles Miger
Nicolas Mignard
Felix Augustin Milius
Addison T. Millar
Charles Henry Miller
Randy Miller
Sam Miller
Kenneth Hayes Miller
John Miller
Francis Charles Millet
Jean Francois Millet
Eugene Millet
James W Milliken
John H Millspaugh
Emil Milo
Peter Milton
Antoine Guillaume Minartz
John James Mitchell
George Miyasaki
Philippe Mohlitz
Jean-Guillaune Moitte
Antoine Yvon Monay
A. Mongin
Charles Monginot
John A. S. Monks
Antoine Monnier
Jim Monson
L. C. Montgomerie
L. C Montgomerie
Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli
Louis Monzies
Robert Enraght Moony
Henry Moore
Carton Moore-Park
Peter Moran
Thomas Moran
Mary Nimmo Moran
Leon Moran
Emily Kelley Moran
Daniel Mordant
William E. C. Morgan
Raffaello Morghen
Jean Morin
Berthe Morisot
Harry Morley
Jean A. Joseph Morin-Jean
Dudley Morris
Pauline Hestia Morse
August Mosca
Barry Moser
Ira Moskowitz
Kaiko Moti
Charles Mottram
John Muench
Stefano Mulinari
Charles O. Murray
Emile Raphael Muzelle
William Myer
Lloyd Burton Myers
Jerome Myers
Fugi Nakamizo
Francois Masami Nakayama
Jacques Nam
Robert Nanteuil
Shigena Narikama
Thomas W. Nason
Thomas Nast
Reginald Neal
Victor Nehlig
George Nelson
J. Nelson
Jackson Lee Nesbitt
George Newman
Sir William Nicholson
James Craig Nicoll
Johann Esaias Nilson
Robert Hogg Nisbet
Katsuyuki Nishijima
Job Nixon
Helen Noel
Carl J. Nordell
B[ror] J[ulius] O[lssen] Nordfeldt
Hugo Noske
Ulreich Nura
Josef Nuyttens
Tom O'Hara
Thornton Oakley
Paul Hans Ohmert
Unidentified Old Master
Dutch Old Master
Kathe Olshausen-Schonberger
Emil Orlik
Louis Orr
Francois-Auguste Ortmans
Malcolm Osborne
Adriaen van Ostade
Edmund Osthaus
Abbo Ostrowsky
Ludwig Otto
Frederik Owen
Santi Pacini
Paul Paeschke
Florence Page
Nellie Pairpoint
Reinhold H. Palenske
Samuel Palmer
Frank Palou
Abel Pann
Carl Pappe
John Park
Agnes Miller Parker
Clifford Eugene Parkhurst
Stephen Parrish
Alfred Partikel
Roi George Partridge
Jules Pascin
Hugh Paton
William Patterson
Allie patton
Herrmann Paul
Arthur Paunzen
Vladimir Pavlosky
Ray Payne
Wilhelm Pech
Frank Wagner Peers
Jan I Peeters
Gerry Peirce
Edith Penman
Joseph Pennell
Gabriel Perelle
Granville Perkins
Aime Perrel
Ferdinand Perrot
Jean Pesne
Paul Peters
Julius Petersen
Kay Peterson
Martin Peterson
F. Petitjean
William Preston Phelps
Karel Frans Philippeau
Martin Erich Phillipp
M Phillips
Etienne Picart
George A. Picken
Carl Pickhardt
Waldo Pierce
Gerald Pierce
Edith Loring Getchell Pierce
Charles Franklin Pierce
Charles Pinet
Nicolas Pitau
Sophia L. Pitman
Henry Pitz
Charles Adams Platt
John Plimmer
George T Plowman
Meta Pluckebaum
Max Pollak
Robert Pollard
Paulus Pontius
Burnell Poole
Samuel Popkins
Edward Popple
Mily Possoz
Paulus Potter
Albert Potter
J.A. Poulter
James P. Power
Gabrielle Poynot
Fontaye De La Prandie
Johann Gottlieb Theophilus Amadeus Prestel
Chester B. Price
Istvan Prihoda
Samuel Prout
Pedro Pruna
Herbert Pullinger
Roy Purcell
Susan Pyzow
Otto Quante
Saul Rabino
Wolfgang Rabl
Mildred Rackley
Stanislaw Raczyński
Jean François Raffaëlli
Paul Rajon
William Rakocy
Sylvia Mayzer Rantz
Georg Anton Rasmussen
George Ratkai
Simon Francois Ravenet, The Elder
Wilfred A. Readio
Roger Reboussin
Doel Reed
Ernest Reed
Kenneth Reeve
Jacques Reich
Ramsay Richard Reinagle
Lionel Reiss
William Renison
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Charles P Renouard
Maria Ressel
G.W. Rhead
Theodule Augustin Ribot
E. Gordon Rice
H. W. Rice
Walter Dubois Richards
James Richardson
Leon Richeton
G. W. Richie
Joseph Theodore Richommel
Fritz Richter
Jacques Rigaud
Arthur Rigden Read
Thomas Riley
Aiden Lassell Ripley
friedrich ritschel
Henri Riviere
Julian Rix
Manuel Robbe
Frederick Robbins
David Roberts
David Robertson
Colton Robins
Maurice L. Robins
Alan James Robinson
Mabel Catherine Robinson
Paul M. Roche
Fermin Rocker
Gaston Louis Rodriguez
Julia Rogers
Umberto Romano
Joan Root
Felicien Rops
Salvator Rosa
Ruth Starr Rose
Henry Mortikar Rosenberg
Louis C. Rosenberg
Sadie Rosenblum
Seymour Rosenthal
Max Rosenthal
Ernest Christian Rost
Christian Rost
Ernest Roth
Gatja H. Rothe
Georges Rouault
Louis Francois Roubillac
Gilles Rousselet
Joseph Victor Roux Champion
Joseph Roux-Champion
Thomas Charles Leeson Rowbotham
Willie R. Rowe
Thomas Rowlandson
Lewis Rubenstein
Edmund Adolphe Rudaux
Tom Rudd
Andree Ruellan
Johann Lorenz Rugendas
Jacob Isaacksz Van Ruisdael
Felix Ruismann
Sir Henry George Rushbury
Seyth Russell
Russian School, 20th century
David Ryckaert
Platt Powell Ryder
Chauncey Foster Ryder
Margery Austin Ryerson
Joseph Sabin
Utagawa Sadahidi
Henry Samuel Sadd
Marco Christoph Sadeler
Raphael Sadeler
Henri Alexandre Saffrey
Hemilce M Saforcada
Augustin de Saint-Aubin
Kauro Saito
Paul Saling
Johann Salver
Percy Sanborn
Thomas Sandby
Paul Sandby
E. Sander
William Sanger
John Sartain
Wells M Sawyer
James Sayer
Nicholas Scalise
Salvatore Cartaino Scarpitta
Alice P. Schafer
William Joseph Schaldach
Alexander Schilling
Charles Schlecht
Max von Schmaedel
George Fredrich Schmidt
Louis Schmidt
Ferdinand Schmutzer
Otto J. Schneider
Leon Schnell
Steffen Alonso Schoff
George Scholz
Georges L. Schreiber
Georges Schreiber
Carl M. Schultheiss
Anton Schutz
William Schwartz
Edward Scirrotto
Louis Gerard Scotin
G. Scott
S. H. Scott
Hugh Seaver
Arthur Segal
Takeuchi Seiho
Okuhara Seiko
Francois van Severdonck
Henry Pruett Share
William Sharp
George Sheffield
Louise T. Sheldon
Marshall H. Sheldon
W. H. Shelton
R. Sheppard
Russell Sherman
Everett Shinn
Kasamatsu Shirô
Harry Shokler
Sir Frank Short
Frederic Valpey Shotwell
Aage Sikker-Hansen
Simka Simkhovitch
Tavik F. Simon
Howard Simon
Charles Louis Simonneau
Jackson Simpson
Joseph Simpson
Joseph P. Sims
Emil Singer
Emil Singer
Emil Singer
Dorothy Skeweres
Bernard Sleigh
Max Slevogt
John Sloan
Allen Sloan
Mary Sloane
Fred Slocombe
Douglas Ian Smart
George Smillie
James David Smillie
Francis Hopkinson Smith
Virginia Jaffrey Smith
Edward C Smith
John Raphael Smith
Channing Smith
Lawrence Beall Smith
Lowell Ellsworth Smith
Henry Pember Smith
Sydney L. Smith
J. Andre Smith
W. Harry Smith
Mabel Fairfax Smith-Karl
Yngve Edward Soderberg
Reta Soloway
Eileen Alice Soper
George Soper
Moses Soyer
Raphael Soyer
Ken Spector
Frederick M. Spiegle
George Spiel
Benton M Spruance
Leonard Russell Squirrell
Lilly Steiner
Theophile-Alexander Steinlen
Albert E. Sterner
Charles W. Stetson
Wiliam Stevens
Thomas Wood Stevens
Dorothy Stevens
George Stevenson
William Stilson
George Stimmel
George Vernon Stokes
Daniel Strain
Daniel Strain
Ian Strang
William Strang
Sir Robert Strange
Jaromir Stretti-Zamponi
Hermann Struck
Gilbert Stuart
Dwight Sturges
Keion Sumiyoshi
Ivan Summers
Andre Sureda
Charles Frederick Surendorf
Louis Surugue
Pierre Louis Surugue
Graham Sutherland
Ruth Haviland Sutton
Joseph Swain
Don Swann
David Swanson
Maxwell Swartz
Walter Henry Sweet
Ruth Doris Swett
John Syer
Vladimir Szabó
Louis Szanto
J.M. Taft
Biho Takahashi
Keishu Takeuchi
Robin Tanner
Julius Tanzer
Maurice Taquoy
J.H. Tarbet
Jacques Nicolas Tardieu
Harry Taskey
Frederich Taubes
Margaret M Taylor (Fox)
Prentiss Taylor
Arthur C. Taylor
Anna Tefft Siok
Imoto Tekiho
Antonio Tempesta
David Teniers
Pierre Salvy Frederic Teyssonnieres
Sam Thal
Anthony Thieme
Diana Thorne
Jacques James Joseph Tissot
Walter Tittle
George Timothy Tobin
Arthur R.Middleton Todd
Ruel P. Tolman
Tokuriki Tomikichiro
Mabuchi Toro
Mizuno Toshikata
Henri Toussaint
Charles Townley
T. S. Townsend
Chicanobu Toyohara
Utagawa Toyokuni
Utagawa Toyokuni III
Jaso Trelease
Page Trotter
Vaugham Trowbridge
Jan van Troyen
Kanō Tsunenobu
Josiah Thomas Tubby
Helene Tupke-Grande
Andrew Watson Turnbull
Julius C. Turner
Charles Turner
Edwin Turner
Pete Turner
Sydney Tushingham
Gillian Tyler
James Gale Tyler
Dorsey Potter Tyson
Ansei Uchima
Joseph Uhl
Leon Underwood
William Unger
Francis Sydney Unwin
Nora Unwin
Lesser Ury
Frank Utpatel
Paul Vahrenhorst
Wallerand Vaillant
Juanita Valdez
Theodor Victor C. Valenkamph
Victor Valery
Francesco Valesio
Salomon Van Abbé
Frans van Bloeman
Noah Van De Meer
Adriaen van de Velde
Jan van der Straet
Jacob van Dieghem
Anthony Van Dyck
Hendrick Dirk Kruseman Van Elten
Storm van Gravesend
Pieter Stevens van Gunst
Evert van Muyden
Adriaen van Osted
Henri Van Seben
Theodore van Thulden
Lucas van Vden
Helen Van Wyk
Charles A. Vanderhoof
Daniel Vazquez Diaz
Eugene Veder
Inger Veise
Rudolf Veit
J. Paul Verrees
Marcel Vertes
George Vertue
Jules Veyrassat
Paul Veyson
Alfred Vickers
Robert Vickrey
Jacques Villon
Harry Aiken Vincent
Henri Vion
Cornelius Visscher
G. Vitalba
Chardon Vittman
Francis Vivares
Maurice De Vlaminck
Bernard Vogel
Heinrich Vogeler
Charles Volkmar
Jan C. Vondrous
Lucas Vosterman
Francois Vuagnat
Aloys Ludwig Wachelmayr
Emily Burling Waite
William Walcot
George C. Wales
Alexander Walker
Bernard Eyre Walker
Lawrence Walker
Alexander Walthur
Charles Waltner
Alfred J. Wands
James Ward
Lynd Kendall Ward
Herbert Gordon Warlow
Alfred Edward Warner
Elisabeth B. Warren
Harold Broadfield Warren
Antoni Waterloo
Herbert Ogden Waters
Charles John Watson
John Dawson Watson
Geoffrey Watson
Frederick Judd Waugh
Carol Wax
Thomas Robert Way
H. Wayland
Albert James Webb
Otis Weber
Sybilla Mittell Weber
Herman Armour Webster
Emil Weddige
Reynold H Weidenaar
Isadore Weiner
Julian Alden Weir
Franz Edmund Weirotter
Claude Weisbach
Oscar Weissbuch
Charles Dater Weldon
William Wellstood
Stow Wengenroth
Elisha Wetherill
Louis Whirter
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Buell Lee Whitehead
Franklin P. Whiting
Richard Whitney
Charles Whittemore
Margaret Whittemore
Harry Herman Wickey
Gustave Adolph Wiegand
Hieronymus Wierix
Johannes Wierix
Lawrence Nelson Wilbur
Gladys Wilcock (Maynard)
Frank Nelson Wilcox
Charles Wilkin
Norman Wilkinson
Pierre Alexander Wille
Keith Shaw Williams
Walter Heath Williams
Michael Willmann
Sidney E. Wilson
John Winkler
Paul Winkler-Leers
Hamlet Winstanley
Richard P Winter
Henry E. Winzenreid
Melville T. Wire
Robert R. Wiseman
Alfred Withers
B. Witthaft
Ronau William Woiceske
Henry Wolf
William Wolfson
Thomas Waterman Wood
Franklin T. Wood
Charles Herbert Woodbury
Stanley Woodward
Samuel Johnson Woolf
William Woollett
Miriam Wotiz
John Wright
George Hand Wright
H. Wright
Margret H. Wright
William Lionel Wyllie
Leroy Milton Yale
Edmund Yon
Utagawa Yoshitaki
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Utagawa Yoshitsuya
Jac Young
John Young
Gilbert Young
Jo (Hashimoto Yuzuru)
Jean-Pierre Yvaral
Bertram Zadig
Alfredo Zalce
Reinier Nooms Zeeman
Walter Zeising
Henry Ziegler
Anders Zorn
Harold Zussin
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